Abstract: Number of files created per day is increased due to rapid rise in number of users. In cloud computing environment most of the communication is done through the file processing, and hence it becomes very crucial and significant to provide efficient approach for data security. In this research we are concentrating on data deduplication to provide efficient security service in cloud computing. Data deduplication is nothing but data compression technique which is used to remove the duplicate copies of echoing data. This methodology is regularly used for dropping the storage space and save bandwidth under cloud. Also, along with deduplication for data protection and privacy the encryption methods are used. In this paper we are studying the authorized data deduplication to provide the data security by using differential privileges of users in the cloud architecture. Different new deduplication constructions offered for sustaining authorized duplicate check. This paper shows how the security is obtained in hybrid cloud during the process of data deduplication.
Keywords: Data Deduplication, Data Security, Privilege authorization, Hybrid Cloud.